If your out and intend to stay out and don't need a scriptual divorce....what's the point?
Luo bou to
JoinedPosts by Luo bou to
Does Hidden Condoms = Judicial Committee?
by wouldacouldashoulda intoo cut a long story short i left the truth and my wife left me after asking her for a divorce.. .
a few days later i found a packet of condoms (one was missing) hidden in her possessions.
if i presented this to her local body of elders would they consider judicial action?.
The Watchtower hates Scotsmen
by kurtbethel inbecause i have carefully looked over every picture and representation i can find of the so called paradise earth published in the last 30 years.
there are people in all sorts of clothing from many cultures, american casual, african, asian, hispanic, and others.. but i have not seen a single image that shows you kilt wearers will make it into the new systemtm!.
does that make you so angry that your sporran stands on edge?.
Luo bou to
Do you nae wear anythin under ye kilt there Jock? Put ye hand up lassie an yeal find oot. Ock I Jock thats grusum....Put ye hand up again lassie an sheel grusum more.
Could be that the GB consider the Scots not wearing underpants immodest and a bad example
Wish to debunk Witness God's Org Concept
by Luo bou to ini wish to reach my ex who is heavily entrenched in the org.
i intend to argue along these lines using the parable of the wheat and the weeds.
that jesus knows those that belong to him and today they are scattered throughout the different denominations of christendom.
Luo bou to
Tirebiter said My opinion, for what it's worth: The last three sentences are the heart of the letter. She's more likely to read them if she isn't on the defensive from a religious debate. Please discuss this with your son, listen to his advice, and work together. Then when she wonders "Where else can I go?", she can remember that her family is there and has always been there for her.
Well said Tirebiter I know I don't have to justify my position as if I am speaking to a mind open to reason but it is hard not to. If only she would listen .... I need to bite my tongue and remind myself I am dealing with the emotional side fear etc and think back to how I felt when I investigated this religion I was raised in...... I expected to find support for my faith instead I was confronted challenged and felt very uncomfortable the more I found out. I was a true believer I thought I could support my faith against anyone. I was wrong.... I could not deny the facts I was learning and realized the implications....... if the WT was wrong then I had wasted so many opportunities in life and now risked losing my marriage my witness family everything...... But I had to know the truth I could not live believing a lie. ....So I began deprogramming myself and the kids. My wife fiercely resisted wouldn't even look at WT material IE bestiality is not grounds for divorce later reversed with no attempt by the Org to undo the damage .... Answers to questions she asked me that made sense were repudiated by the simple injunction from the Elders Be carefully your husband is very clever.
You've affirmed what I thought ( without the ego) Thanks mate
I met someone born in 1914
by badboy inhe asked to guess how old he was, i said 75,no,he said, i then said 60,he than said 95.. looked healthy,still had hair.
his wife sadly died 27 years ago.
Luo bou to
Do you have positive proof.....checked his license? Still time? The 1914 generation has not passed away and will not pass away before the end comes. As the years rolled on I used to think that they would point to some small village in the Himalayans where there are many centenarians to support their claim. Instead they changed the definition of generation ....tricky bastards
Wish to debunk Witness God's Org Concept
by Luo bou to ini wish to reach my ex who is heavily entrenched in the org.
i intend to argue along these lines using the parable of the wheat and the weeds.
that jesus knows those that belong to him and today they are scattered throughout the different denominations of christendom.
Luo bou to
GL Tirebiter
To answer your question We have a son 26 years old a psychologist who fully understands his mothers position since we raised him as a JW. He recognises the trigger words and can observe the switch from authenic self to cult personality. He refrains from challenging her since her sense of security lies with the Org. It's sad that his Mother can't be proud of our son like I am. As you know with the Org mindset he has no status
Wish to debunk Witness God's Org Concept
by Luo bou to ini wish to reach my ex who is heavily entrenched in the org.
i intend to argue along these lines using the parable of the wheat and the weeds.
that jesus knows those that belong to him and today they are scattered throughout the different denominations of christendom.
Luo bou to
ATJ Most ex's are ex's for a reason....
The reason is She could not live with the cognitive dissonance "Married to an apostate whom the WT says is evil and not to be trusted while at the same time her experience living with me told her otherwise" However she has dutifully kept to the party line ( shunning me) fully believing that if she holds to it I will come to my senses and return to the WT fold
One time some years ago when she was in hospital and thought she was going to die She insisted on speaking to me despite the vehement objection of her JW minders. My son realized this and had the hospital staff remove the witnesses so I could see her. She recovered and it was back to the party line. Although it was an extreme situation her authentic self did reassert itself. I am hoping with the passing of time ( 15 years) and the WT increasingly dogmatic stance on authority that she may be more open just maybe ( I harbor no delusions re the JW mindset)
I am a Christian For those that question my faith I can offer no conclusive logical argument that would satisfy them. Why am I a Christian? The gospels The life that Jesus led He is the sort of God I want my God to be.
Now as for the wheat and weeds Its part of my answer to the conundrum that the WT places its followers in " where will you go"
The following is an excerpt from the letter to my ex that I have composed........
{ So where do you go? Is there another group that teaches JW doctrine? No! There is not. Remember when Jesus spoke about eating his flesh and drinking his blood, many of his disciples said” this speech is shocking who can listen to it” and left him. He then turned to the twelve and said “do you want to leave also” and Peter replied” whom shall we go away to” Note whom, not what religious group, but whom shall we go away to. Jesus knows those that belong to him, and as he said in a parable re the last days, they are growing amongst the weeds. Jesus is the truth not some body of doctrine and I worship with like minded Christians from many denominations who acknowledge Jesus as their Lord and saviour not their church. If I came back to your religion I would have to put faith in the claim of the WT leaders the GB who call themselves the F&D slave. The claim that Jehovah and Jesus put them in charge and you must follow them. I can’t put my faith in such a claim much less defend it, it would be like building my house on sand. I would feel very venerable threatened by anyone who disputed their authority. I could never again promote any religious group as the way the truth and the life as the mediator between god and man as the Org claims to be for the so called other sheep class. ( Jesus was talking about the Gentiles as he said I was sent to the lost sheep of Israel but I have other sheep not of this fold. Scripture should be understood in its historical context)
I have simply told you my position where I am coming from. I respect your right to believe what you want and have no intentions of challenging it. I speak with my Mother often; I do not discuss religion with her. I enjoy her company as I hope I can once again enjoy yours.}
What I am asking the members of this forum is Have I struck the right note? Non threatening?
Breakdown of Forum Members
by Georgiegirl inha!!!.
how many online forum members does it take to change a lightbulb and to post that the lightbulb has been changed?.
14 to share similar experiences of changing light bulbs and how the light bulb could have been changed differently.
Luo bou to
I think its truly heartwarming that we can freely express our diverse range of opinions and personalities given our lockstep WT clone backgrounds. Free, Free...... Free at last
Wish to debunk Witness God's Org Concept
by Luo bou to ini wish to reach my ex who is heavily entrenched in the org.
i intend to argue along these lines using the parable of the wheat and the weeds.
that jesus knows those that belong to him and today they are scattered throughout the different denominations of christendom.
Luo bou to
I wish to reach my ex who is heavily entrenched in the Org. I intend to argue along these lines using the parable of the wheat and the weeds. That Jesus knows those that belong to him and today they are scattered throughout the different denominations of Christendom. What do you think?
"Losing My Religion" beginning preproduction (again!)
by Ayer inmy name is stephan mcguire and i am writing you all also in behalf of my good friends raven and mike pence.
we have formed a core team to begin preproduction on a documentary called "losing my religion".
during the past few years, since creating a concept for this film, http://www.hungrycreature.com/lmr.html i have had the privilege of becoming a real filmmaker!
Luo bou to
Yeh Blacksheep & Satanus I smell a rat
you dropped one......
by angel eyes inmade you look, made you stare, made the barber cut your hair,.
cut it long, cut it chort, cut it with a knife and folk.. .
thats a silly saying we would say as kids...you would pretend someone had dropped something, when they looked you say that lol.
Luo bou to
Fatty and Skinny went down a big hole Fatty set fire to Skinny's arshole Fatty came up with a hell of a fright and Skinny came up with ars alight